Business Insurance
It’s about managing risk and we make shopping for it easy because we believe in simplicity, choice and coverage that is affordable, flexible and specific to you.

It can be expensive and it’s necessary. We have solutions to make it affordable and responsive to your needs.

Business cyber crime insurance
Small and medium enterprise are the largest targets of cyber attacks. Appropriately crafted solutions shield your business and reputation. We have strategies to minimize your exposure and protect you from harm.

Business Succession & Continuity Planning
Ensuring your business survives you transferring to the next generation tax-efficiently is our area of expertise. Afterall, we have done it for our own business across 4 generations.

Group Benefits
We create a program based on your employee’s needs and your expectations. It is about simplicity, affordability and flexibility.

liability insurance
Liability is being responsible by law. When liable legally binding financial obligations are placed upon you and/or your business. Insurance is the solution. We have the answers to protect your reputation and financial future.