Home Insurance
A home insurance policy is so much more than it appears. It’s complex, no two policies are the identical. We bring simplicity, flexibility, and affordability to you.

Car Insurance
In Ontario auto insurance is the law. It’s expensive, it’s complex. Are willing to risk significant loss to save a few dollars? Asking the right questions, we can deliver simplicity, flexibility and affordability to you.

Phishing, fraud, malware, hacked accounts; 42% of Canadians report being victims of a cyber security incident. We craft solutions to shield your family’s lifestyle and reputation.

Life Insurance
A versatile tool that allows your business to survive you; for you to leave a legacy and for your family to leave the life you have dreamed of.

Personal insurance
Your time is better spent enjoying the fruits of your labour. Cottage, boat, trailer, collector cars, art, jewels, fine wine, antiques we understand! We have solutions. We collect as well.

Everyone’s investment needs are unique, yet we all face a common set of challenges. Our approach is holistic understanding the common goal of growth with minimized tax.

Retirement planning
Investing in your future is the best place to start. It’s never too early. We will show you choices and options that are flexible and ideally suited for your desired outcome.

Estate Planning
This is the harmonious transfer of money from one generation to the next. The amount that is transferred isn’t important, the amount your family gets to keep is. We understand how to compliment what you have while skillfully using proven tools to minimize and fund your estate tax obligations.